Privacy Policy

Telehealth services and HIPAA Policy

Laws and guidelines protecting patient’s confidentiality in-person session apply to telehealth as well. Feelthentic utilizes video conference technologies and email with enhanced HIPAA-compliant features in order to protect each client’s privacy. 

To ensure your privacy is protected during telehealth sessions: 

  • Create a quiet and private environment (with a closed door).

  • Clients connect from a reliable Internet connection.

  • Clients may be asked to complete some questionnaires via their computer.
    Questionnaires must be answered independently by the client. Friends and/or family cannot influence or complete any documentation on their behalf. 

  • The client should be the only person present in the room during the session.
    If someone else enters the room during any portion of the session, the client should alert the clinician so that they can pause the session.

  • It is important to minimize other distractions in the space. 

  • Turning off televisions/music, silencing phones, and not multitasking (e.g., texting, checking email, playing video games or other activities) on computers/electronic devices.

  • The client should be in a stationary location. They should not be in a moving vehicle.

  • Clients must physically be within the state where the attending clinician is licensed to practice in at the time of the sessions. If a client will be outside the state/US territory, should inform their provider and make appropriate arrangements.

  • For Florida residents, should you need additional information on telehealth practices, please access